iURBAN: Intelligent Urban Energy Tool

iURBAN: Intelligent Urban Energy Tool

River Publishers Series in Chemical and Environmental Engineering

iURBAN: Intelligent Urban Energy Tool

Narcis Avellana, Sensing & Control, Spain
Alberto Fernandez, Sensing & Control, Spain

ISBN: 9788793519107

Available: November 2016

doi: https://doi.org/10.13052/rp-9788793519091

iURBAN: Intelligent Urban Energy Tool introduces an urban energy tool integrating different ICT energy management systems (both hardware and software) in two European cities, providing useful data to a novel decision support system that makes available the necessary parameters for the generation and further operation of associated business models. The business models contribute at a global level to efficiently manage and distribute the energy produced and consumed at a local level (city or neighbourhood), incorporating behavioural aspects of the users into the software platform and in general prosumers.

iURBAN integrates a smart Decision Support System (smartDSS) that collects real-time or near real-time data, aggregates, analyses and suggest actions of energy consumption and production from different buildings, renewable energy production resources, combined heat and power plants, electric vehicles (EV) charge stations, storage systems, sensors and actuators. The consumption and production data is collected via a heterogeneous data communication protocols and networks. The iURBAN smartDSS through a Local Decision Support System allows the citizens to analyse the consumptions and productions that they are generating, receive information about CO2 savings, advises in demand response and the possibility to participate actively in the energy market. Whilst, through a Centralised Decision Support System allow to utilities, ESCOs, municipalities or other authorised third parties to:
  • Get a continuous snapshot of city energy consumption and production
  • Manage energy consumption and production
  • Forecasting of energy consumption
  • Planning of new energy "producers" for the future needs of the city

Visualise, analyse and take decisions of all the end points that are consuming or producing energy in a city level, permitting them to forecast and planning renewable power generation available in the city.
Energy Efficiency, Middleware, Smart Grid, Smart City, Smart Homes, Demand Response, Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 1: Introduction
by Narcis Avellana and Sofia Aivalioti


Chapter 2: Logic Architecture, Components, and Functions
by Alberto Fernandez


Chapter 3: Data Privacy and Confidentiality
by Alberto Fernandez and Karwe Markus Alexander


Chapter 4: iURBAN CDSS
by Marco Forin and Fabrizio Lorenna


Chapter 5: iURBAN LDSS
by Alberto Fernandez


Chapter 6: Virtual Power Plant
by Mike Oates and Aidan Melia


Chapter 7: iURBAN Smart Algorithms
by Sergio Jurado and Alberto Fernandez


Chapter 9: Business Models
by Stefan Reichert and Jens Strüker